Queen Anne Historical Society

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Queen Anne Christian Church

The neighborhood has seen a fair number of churches come and go over the last 120 years. In 1900, the city had 110 churches and by 1909 that number grew to 207. Of these, one small but significant one stands out, not by its existence, but its lack of advertising. This was the Tabernacle Christian Church or Queen Anne Christian Church. It was organized in November 1906, with 45 charter members. The Rev. J. L. Greenhill of Mississippi was called to the pulpit and took over the church July 1, 1907. It then had 75 members; by December 26, 1907, the enrollment had increased to 125.

When it was organized, the temporary structure was known as the Tabernacle. Built in just 48 hours, it was used for one year. It stood on a lot at First Avenue West and West Galer Street and was entirely paid for by members. A new church was to be built on the same site; the congregation expected to receive a loan of $10,000 from the Church Extension Board, and the members planned to raise the additional sum of $15,000, which would be spent on the church.

At its annual meeting in January 1909, the congregation decided to abolish the system of collecting funds in the church through holding dinners and entertainment. Direct donations were deemed a better way in which to finance the church through a system of distinct supervision inaugurated by the election of superintendents. The congregation, which had been worshipping in Highland Baptist Mission on Garfield Street near Queen Anne Avenue, held its last service in the Mission on September 24, 1911. Its new building, under construction, was located at Third West and West Lee Street and was ready for use in October, 1911, with the dedication service being held the first Sunday that month. The membership at that time was 250. The total value of the church property, including the lot and furnishings, was estimated at $20,000. The church was still in existence in 1937 when the WPA history of Seattle churches was put together.

Today the church stands as a singularly quiet yet still-used church facility, neither tooting the horn of religion nor attempting to be other than what it is: a quiet, older church whose constituents still worship as they did the past 100 years. You may walk by it at 1316 3rd Ave. W.