I attended several Queen Anne events in August 2006 which were based around the former Queen Anne High School and its students. Queen Anne alums, for some reason, have a greater bond than do the alums of many other high schools. It may be in part due to the fact that the school is no longer a school. However, over a thousand alums gathered to view the classrooms-turned-apartments-turned-condos. This was probably one of the highlight times to remember the school and for what it stood.

Several former teachers participated in the “open house”, including Ethel Smith, Ed Billodue, Chris Kato, and others. (These were the ones I saw). The affair lasted from 9:30 a.m. until past 3:30 p.m. There were refreshments and delicious catered snacks. For myself, highlights were having the chance to talk with some members of my own class, 18 of whom attended the affair.

The next stage was a committee meeting of my class reunion group, over in Madrona. We do as much socializing as we do getting things done. It has been great fun. I just wish there were an easier way to find some of our “missing” alums.

The third installment was the annual Queen Anne Alumni* picnic, held at Woodland Park, where the first picnic was held in 1982. In recent years, we had been holding the picnic at Magnolia Park, but we have outgrown it. There were over 250 in attendance at the picnic. A good time was had by all who attended.

The most recent installment was on Monday evening, August 21st, when I actually did my practice walk around part of the top of Queen Anne, in anticipation of the forthcoming walking tour. I still have some research to complete, but have nailed some fascinating sites along route to interest the walkers. It is always fun to discover something new about areas one thought one already knew.

Which proves that it is true—we never stop learning, and never lose appreciation for what once was. It is “Queen Anne” months such as this that keep my interest in the neighborhood at a high level.

A few notable alumni/ae:

  • Hank Ketcham, Class of 1937 – creator of Dennis the Menace

  • Bob Houbregs, Class of 1949 – member, Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame

  • Kathi Goertzen, Class of 1976 – television reporter and news anchor


Home is Where the Heart Is


Going, Going, Gone