Landmarks of
Queen Anne
The Queen Anne Historical Society has long been actively involved in advocating for the landmarking of significant Queen Anne sites. The Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board began review of city-wide nominations in 1973. QAHS’s first nomination was for the Willcox Walls in 1975. The Queen Anne area now includes more than 50 designated city landmarks. Recent advocacy efforts included designations of the Queen Anne Exchange and the Wagner Floating Home. Local landmark designation is the most effective way to protect historic buildings and sites.
Are you interested in landmarking a property or learning more about the process? Read more about the process (City of Seattle)

14th Avenue West Group

Alexander Hall

American Meter and Appliance Building

Ankeny-Gowey House

Ballard/Howe House

Bethany Presbyterian Church

Bleitz Funeral Home

Bowen/Huston Bungalow
Brace/Moriarty House
Bressi Garage
Broad Street Substation

C.H. Black House & Gardens
Century 21 Coliseum / Key Area / Climate Pledge Arena

Chelsea Apartments

Cotterill House

De La Mar Apartments

Frances Skinner Edris Nurses' Home

Fremont Bridge

George Washington Memorial "Aurora" Bridge

Gibbs House

Handschy/Kistler House
Harry Whitney Treat House

Hay School

Horiuchi Mural

Kinnear Park
Kobe Bell

Leona/Park Ridge Apartments

McFee/Klockzien House
Memorial Wall

North Queen Anne Drive Bridge
Northwest Rooms & International Pavilion
Pacific Science Center

Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Garfield Exchange

Parsons/Gerrard House
Parsons Memorial Garden

Puget Sound Power & Light Utilities Building

Queen Anne Boulevard

Queen Anne Library

Queen Anne Pool

Queen Anne High School
Seattle Center House/Seattle Armory
Seattle Center Playhouse and Exhibition Hall

Seattle City Light Power Control Center
Seattle First National Bank
Seattle Monorail

Seventh Church of Christ, Scientist (former)

Space Needle

Stuart/Balcom House

Sunset Telephone & Telegraph Exchange/Queen Anne Masonic Hall

Swedish Club

Villa Costella

Wagner Floating Home

West Queen Anne Elementary School